Text-only Capture of Step-by-Step Instructions for UVM Streaming Media

Step 1 Log In

  1. Go to https://streaming.uvm.edu
  2. Log in with your UVM NetID

Step 2 Upload Media

  1. To access your existing files on UVM Streaming, click "My Media"
  2. To add new files, click "Upload a Media File"

Step 3 Enter Information

  1. The following fields on this form must be filled: Title, Subject Tags or Keywords, UVM Program/Department (a drop down list), and Description.
  2. If you click the option "Require UVM NetID and password to view," anyone who is a logged-in user can view your media.
  3. For a stronger privacy setting, put a check next to "Private" and the only users who can see your videos will be those who have URLs. This means, you can add the link to Blackboard and the students in your class will have access to the video but, generally speaking, others will not. However, if your students share the videos with other, they will also have access.
  4. Click "submit" to go to the next page.

Step 4 Select Media File

  1. On this page, you will first need to acknowledge that you are abiding by UVM's policy regarding copyright and acceptable use, by checking that box.
  2. Then you can click "Browse" to locate and select the media to upload.
  3. Finally, click "Upload media" to post your video. (Note: You will need to retain a backup of your video.)

Step 5 Go to My Media

  1. Uploading the video is relatively quick. Once you see that your upload is complete, click "My Media" which is located in the top navigation as well as the Account Menu on the left.

Step 6a Wait for Processing

  1. Usually it takes several minutes or longer for the newly uploaded video to be processed. The duration depends on the current demands on the server by all UVM users. You will have a "construction cone" icon present with the label "Pending Conversion" while this processing takes place.
  2. You are free to log out and check back later. This process is happening on the server independently of your login status
  3. When the video processing is complete, the cone icon will be replaced by a thumbnail and the "Pending Conversion" text will change to your video's title.

Step 6b Add Captioning

To ensure institutional compliance with accessibility, video files must be captioned.

  1. To request captioning, fill out the form on the Student Accessibility Services website and send them the link to your video file.
  2. When the captioning is complete, you'll receive a file ending in ".srt"
  3. To add it to your video, click on "Edit Media," scroll down to the section "Upload Captions," browse to select the srt file and click "Update Media"

Step 7 Learn to Share

  1. To share your video, click on the video link, and then click "Share"
  2. You will see fields that offer different options for sharing. The first can be used to make a link, and the other two are used to embed a video on a page.
  3. The next slide explains the difference between embedding and linking

Step 8 Linked vs. Embedded

  1. The simplest way is by adding a link. Students then see that they have a web link in their course that they can click to view the video file.
  2. Embedding the video requires a few more steps, while linking is easier. Embedded video appears as a video on the page with the option to click "play" and watch it while staying on that Blackboard page.

Step 9a Select Web Link in Blackboard

  1. To add a simple video link, go to your Blackboard course.
  2. Make sure edit mode is on.
  3. Open a Content Area such as Course Materials
  4. Click the "Build Content" tab
  5. Choose the "Web Link" option

Step 9b Create Web Link in Blackboard

  1. Next, when on UVM Streaming, either copy the code from the second text field under "Embed" or copy the URL from the address bar at the top of the window.
  2. Back in Blackboard, when you have clicked "Web Link" a page opens up where you must enter the name of the video first. Then, in the field named "URL" paste the link code that you've just copied'
  3. (Optional) enter a description
  4. Click Submit

Step 10a: Embed Media

  1. For embedding your video into Blackboard, first, on your video page on UVM Streaming, under the "Share" tab, copy the embed code that contains iframe tags.
  2. In a Blackboard Content Area (such as Course Materials), click "Build Content" and chose "Item."

Step 10b Embed Media

  1. On this page, give the item a name
  2. Then, in the textbox area, click the "HTML" button in the text editor.

Step 10c Embed Media

  1. This opens up a pop-up window called "HTML Code View" where the embed code should be pasted.
  2. Click Update on the pop window
  3. Then, click "Submit."