International and Multilingual Students

How can I improve my reading of class assignments?
What can I do to make listening in class easier?
How can I take better notes?
What do I need to know about plagiarism and cheating?
In the U.S. university classroom, expectations are outlined in the “syllabus,” a document that every professor should give to you on the first day of class. The syllabus usually includes the following:
Read the syllabus for each of your classes carefully, and read it several times. If there is anything you do not understand, ask another student or ask the professor by email or during office hours.
There are sometimes unwritten expectations, too. And those expectations may be different in each class or with a different professor. For example, is it OK to use a dictionary on a test? Is it OK to use your laptop or your smart phone during class? If you do not know whether something might be against the rules, and it isn’t in the syllabus, ask the professor.
I know that I am expected to actively participate in group work and class discussions. How can I feel less nervous about speaking up in class?
I’m worried that my professor or classmates won’t understand me. What are some tips for speaking clearly?
How can I be successful with writing assignments?
What are some tips for success in group projects?
How do I best prepare for tests?
Tutoring Center
Free study skill workshops and peer tutoring for specific courses.
Undergraduate Writing Center
Make appointments with trained peer tutors and find other resources.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
If you have a documented disability, SAS offers exam accommodations and advice on disability-related matters, ebooks, deaf and hard of hearing services, notetaking and adaptive technology.
The Student Services Offices in each college are dedicated to supporting students and helping them meet their academic goals. Student Services Advisors assist students in a variety of ways including connecting students with other campus resources, course scheduling help, and general academic support.
Agriculture and Life Sciences
Morrill Hall
146 University Place
Phone: (802) 656-2980
Arts and Sciences
Lattie F. Coor House
438 College Street
Phone: (802) 656-3344
Grossman School of Business
101 Kalkin Hall
55 Colchester Ave
Phone: (802) 656-4015
Education and Social Services
528 Waterman Building
85 South Prospect Street
Phone: (802) 656-3468
Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
301 Votey Hall
33 Colchester Avenue
Phone: (802) 656-3392
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
Aiken Center
81 Carrigan Drive
Phone: (802) 656-2911
Nursing and Health Sciences
002 Rowell Building
106 Carrigan Drive
Phone: (802) 656-3858
Honors College:
50 University Heights,
Phone: (802) 656-9100
Office of International Education (OIE)
OIE advises on immigration matters and adjusting to life and study in the U.S. through orientation, buddy programs, student groups and monthly events.