In this Brightspace Minute, we're addressing the final steps of the semester and
some questions that commonly arise.

November 30: 7 Tips for the End of the Semester

In these final days of the semester, we're sharing a few reminders and relevant pointers about grading and wrapping up your Brightspace course site.

In no particular order:

  1. Customize what students see after taking an exam with the quiz tool
  2. Correct an error in a quiz
  3. Reminder about ungraded items
  4. Answer to a common grade book question: What's the difference between the Final Calculated Grade and the Final Adjusted Grade?
  5. Release the final grade to students: that tricky extra step!
  6. Back up your grade book
  7. Make your course inactive or unavailable

Remember, we're here to support you. If you need help or clarification on any of these topics,
you're welcome to write to the CTL or book an individual consult with us!

Center for Teaching & Learning
Book a consult with the CTL