And we're off!

After over a year of preparation, we're now a Brightspace campus! In this edition, we're sharing a few tips for a successful start of the semester.

Just beginning?

If you haven't had much time to learn Brightspace yet, we have some suggestions:

Talk to students about how you'll use Brightspace

Because this is new for them, too, and every teacher has a unique way of using Brightspace, you can avoid confusion for your students if you take a moment to show them how you've set up your course and where they can go to get help.

Here are some examples

Finally, learn more over time

Rome wasn't built in a day, and you're in good company if you don’t know everything about Brightspace yet. Throughout the semester, the CTL will host workshops for instructors and TAs on a variety of Brightspace topics and we'll be available to answer your questions as they emerge (by email or in a consult).

If you have any questions, please let us know. We're here to support you.

Center for Teaching & Learning