Today, we're talking about how Brightspace Rubrics can provide invaluable help to both you and your students.

February 05, 2024: Brightspace Rubrics

Consider the following scenarios…

You're fielding emails from students who don't understand an assignment. Or they submit work that wasn’t at all what you were asking for. Or you’ve graded x number of papers, fatigue is creeping in, along with an uneasy sense that you may be going harder on the work than when you started. Or softer. Or you've had a complaint that the TAs aren't grading equitably.

Brightspace Rubrics can help mitigate all of these issues.

Everyone knows that rubrics can describe how work will be evaluated, and they can make transparent how excellent work differs from adequate or unsatisfactory work. But there are interesting and different ways to design rubrics (to learn about some of these, consider attending the workshop linked below). When you use rubrics in Brightspace, they can become a functional tool for grading, making the process more efficient, impartial, consistent, and, frankly, less of a grind.

Some Ways to Learn How

Center for Teaching & Learning