Cheese in the 21st Century : A Growing Star

While there are several similar themes to be observed throughout these articles, one prominent message that seems to jump off the page is the amount of notoriety that artisan cheese is beginning to recieve. Both articles go into descriptions about how cheese has advanced in some way in Vermont, be it the notice of hardworking artisans who put so much care into crafting a satisfactory product, to the economic increase it has had, the articles drive home the obvious increase in prestige that cheese has had in the state of Vermont. Cheese and the artisans who specialize it making it are changing the ways in which this often overlooked keystone in the American (and international) food industry is viewed, be it from a business standpoint or a cultural standpoint. in addition, the third article, which tells of the 24th annual conference of the American Cheese Society, adds to this theme by displaying the national fame that cheese has garnered throughout the years, and how Vermont has become one of the go to names for quality artisan cheese.